:Base Word7.hlp>main :Title Frequently Asked Questions for Word for Windows 95 1 Categories and Keywords for All Knowledge Base Articles Categories and Keywords for All Knowledge Base Articles =Q94671 1 Categories and Keywords for Word Knowledge Base Articles Word Query Keywords for the Knowledge Base =Q123901 1 Word for Windows 95 Articles Word for Windows 95 Install Files List =Q116728 Word Cannot Find the Word Forms File MSWDS_EN.LEX =Q132047 Word 95: WordBasic Err=582 "Unable to Load Specified Library" =Q132214 FileSendMail Command and MsgBox May Cause MAPI Error =Q132912 Word 95: "No Proofing" Message in Document with Fields =Q132918 How to Prevent Highlighting from Printing =Q133043 Can't Include Highlighting as Part of Style =Q133044 Word 95: "Cannot Retrieve Properties for..." =Q133195 Word 95: Can't Rename or Delete File in File Open =Q133196 Unable to Type in Message Area in WordMail =Q133197 DefaultDir$() and GetDirectory$() Return Lowercase Path =Q133788 Word 7.0 Installation Types And Space Requirements =Q133796 Using Highlight Tool Causes Option To Be Turned On =Q133840 Word Prompts to Save Changes Unnecessarily When Closing File =Q133860 Spelling Shortcut Menu Does Not Pop Up with Right Mouse Click =Q133872 TrueType Text Bleeds Through Drawing Objects When Printed =Q133878 Text Formatting Lost When Sending Text From Word To WordMail =Q133880 Word Opens Master Document as Read-Only =Q133910 Automatic Spell Checking Flags Words Incorrectly =Q133984 Field Highlight Extends Beyond Selected Field =Q134039 Pen Windows Support Not Available with Word for Windows 95 =Q134043 WordBasic Commands That Are Invalid in WordMail =Q134055 WinFax Pro Buttons and Menus Not Available in Word =Q134062 Word 95: Word 6 Startup Directory Contents Not Copied to Word =Q134113 Closing WinMail Modal Dialog Box Produces Error =Q134120 The Purpose of the Select Method Check Box =Q134207 Word 95: Contents of WDREADME (WDREADME.TXT) =Q134208 No Result or GP Fault After Clicking Printer Properties Button =Q134332 Pressing F1 with No File Open Causes Word to Shut Down =Q134350 Word 95: "Invalid Page Fault" in Files with Many OLE Objects =Q134724 Unable to Save WordMail Note to Novell 4.02 Server =Q134726 Application Error When Spell Checking Annotations =Q134729 CopyFile Command Altered by Hide MS-DOS Extension Option =Q134808 Supported, Unsupported Arguments for FileFind Command =Q134809 Missing Text in Help for WordPerfect Users Dialog Boxes =Q134814 Resume Wizard Error: "This Document Template Does Not Exist" =Q134816 Word 95: How to Change the Default DATE Field Format =Q134910 Unable to Save Preview Picture in a Master Document =Q134911 Word 95: Previous Templates Not Available in New Dialog Box =Q134912 Sizes and Sources of Alki Foreign Language Proofing Tools =Q134995 Troubleshooting Proofing Tool Error Messages in Word 95 =Q134996 General Proofing Tool Information for Word for Windows 95 =Q134997 Keyboard Shortcuts in Word 7.0 for Windows 95 =Q135000 Answer Wizard Allows Access to Removed Menu Commands =Q135091 No Browse Button in Style Gallery =Q135230 Grammar Checker, Word 2.0 Converter Missing from Typical Setup =Q135238 Can't Set Margin, Tab in Merged Table Cell =Q135283 Caption Buttons for Document Window Appear as Black Boxes =Q135284 "Value Entered Does Not Match With the Specified Type" =Q135285 Word 7.0: What is the "Tab as Indent" Feature? =Q135293 File Open: Can't Select Documents, Folders With Keyboard =Q135294 How to Enable, Disable Word as Your E-mail Editor in Exchange =Q135295 Odd Page Prints on Back of Odd Page with Postscript Driver =Q135296 "Microsoft Word Err=1078 - This file could not be found..." =Q135297 AppNote WD1216: Word for Windows 95 Frequently Asked Questions =Q135438 FileFind Macro Doesn't Allow You to Open Selected Document =Q135590 Red Squiggly Line Appears in Callout Box =Q135591 Macro Example: Find Field and Change to Text in Header/Footer =Q136068 Error When Starting Word Art Using Insert Object Command =Q136215 Documents Created from Desktop Don't Reflect Normal Template =Q136216 How to Disable In-Place Editing in Equation Editor Via Word 95 =Q136217 Wordbasic Commands That Are Invalid In Microsoft Binder =Q136384 Table With Borders And Shading Prints Slower In Word 7.0 =Q136454 Callout Box Superimposed Over Mail Header In WordMail =Q136455 Style Area Width Setting Not Retained =Q136456 Format Shortcut Displays When You Double-Click Spelling Icon =Q136466 How to Add "Ignore Always" to Spelling Shortcut Menu =Q136467 How to Obtain Word Viewer for Windows 95 =Q136593 Can't Seem to Use MS Access Files, *.MDB, or DDE with Word95 =Q137076 1 Created 9/26/95, Other Sources of Information, More Information On Knowledge Base (KB) Helpfiles =Q199990